I now have a basic web interface with a PIC SBC. It uses ajax to get simple text based information back and forth between the SBC and the browser. This blog looks at building the web front-end to interact with the SBC in a more user-friendly way.
With the limited resources of a PIC, it makes sense to move all the user interface logic to the browser. This will leave just the bare functions within the PIC while still having a reasonably rich UI. Nothing beats understanding a UI by trying it out. Use a dummy version of it to see how it works and study the associated HTML and javascript to explore its inner workings.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Web front-end for an ethernet PIC SBC
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Web Interface for an ethernet based IR Interface
In the past few blogs, we looked at implementing an IR remote control interface on an ethernet SBC. We also looked at how records can be stored on the EEPROM on the SBC. Now we look at the web interface required to use the SBC as an IR remote control.
Implementing EEPROM Storage
In a previous blog, we looked at how you can store a bunch of records of varying types but all of fixed length in an EEPROM on an Olimex ethernet SBC. Now let us take a real world example, well, my world anyway, and store that in an EEPROM. As it is on an ethernet SBC, we will also write code to allow the records to be stored and received using a browser. The data to be stored is the IR signals required to control one or more audio or video components like TVs, DVD Players, etc.
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Storing records on a PIC web server
In a previous blog, I looked at using the TCP/IP stack on an Olimex PIC SBC to implement a web server. In this blog, I look at storing and retrieving data on the EEPROM on the SBC. My data is a collection of records of different types. The SBC in use, the Olimex PIC-WEB SBC, uses an Atmel AT45DB011. This chip has its idiosyncrasies that the storage process takes advantage of.
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